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From Borge Refsnes, Sep 27, 2015.

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Know The Best Ways To Increase Sales

Increasing sales is one of the main and common goals of all businesses. It does not matter if we are talking about a small business or a business giant. From small local pastries to large, global companies like Amazon, everyone is looking for new and creative ways to increase sales and attract new customers.

Fortunately, there are many ways for businesses to attract new customers, especially after the widespread use of the Internet. But before you find these ways, you need to carefully consider the position and possibilities of your business and then choose the right strategy for your goals.

In this article, we are going to examine the important way to increase sales with real traffic for website, which according to your business conditions, you can use the most appropriate ones to attract new customers. Stay with us.

What are the practical ways to increase sales?

Different articles, books, and lectures tell you different ways to increase sales. The fact is that there is no magic wand for further sales, and any effective way can be summed up in knowing the business, product features, and understanding customer needs. In the following, we try to fully explore ways to increase sales from garlic to onions:

Discover the identity of the business, the first brick!

You have probably heard this famous verse over and over again that says:

"The first brick is not the crooked architect, until Soraya goes the crooked wall!"

This bit is a sign of the failure of many businesses. Every business needs to know its characteristics and those of its customers well before it can provide the right services and sales. Knowledge of business can be summarized in the following steps:

Recognize the value proposition

In today's world, people are no longer looking to buy a product! We are all looking to buy new experiences or the result of using a product. In fact, we exchange value for money. Try to make a list of the benefits and value propositions of your product. How will your customer feel after using your product? What experience will he gain? Does your product really provide these feelings and values? Think carefully about the list you made and find the answers to the above questions.

Full customer knowledge

Who is eager to buy your products or services? You need to identify your customers' personalities well. To get to know your customers, you can answer the following questions:

You need to try to fully understand the thoughts, tastes and needs of your customers in order to provide them with the right services.

Problem identification and solutions

What problem or need does your customer have that can be solved by your business? If you know your customer's personality and behavior well, now is the time to provide the experience or service they need. In this way, keep in mind that:

Create a competitive advantage

Once you have considered all of the above, there is one more thing that you can do to build your business properly and you will face far fewer challenges and more chances of success. The last step in this section is to create a competitive advantage over competitors. Why should your target customers come to you and prefer you to your competitor? What special feeling do you create that others do not?

Just look at the big companies that have big fans. Apple, Pepsi, Nutella ... all of these brands have tough competitors, but their fans are overwhelmed by the feeling that they can not experience it anywhere else. Whether you have a small supermarket or a larger business, you need to find a way to make that customer feel special.

Good customer service, a solid business foundation

What better way than to communicate directly with customers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the business? Customer service is one of the most important parts of a professional and dynamic business. By creating the right customer service department, you can both offer the most appropriate service or service to new customers, and you can solve the problems of your business by listening to the criticisms and suggestions of existing customers.

Unfortunately, this sector, especially in the past, was not considered in our country. But time has always proven that there are only sustainable businesses that take customer service seriously.

Limit choices, swim in the opposite direction of the river!

Many people think that having more choices and products will always lead to more sales! But this is not always the case! Sometimes, having a variety of services and services may make it harder for customers to make decisions and thus reduce sales!

 If you have a wide variety of products, design your site structure, product pages, catalogs in such a way as to give visitors as few options as possible. This reduces the likelihood that the visitor will be overwhelmed by dozens of different products. Instead, if you have a variety of services, create more categories so that the customer can go to exactly the category they need.

More payment methods, easier shopping

Both more purchases and more diverse payment methods make the customer's job easier and possibly increase your sales. Even if you pay attention to your behavior, especially these days, you prefer to buy a lot of goods online, for example, and pay for them at home with a bank card.

Many customers, especially those who are not of the new generation, may prefer to shop through social media pages rather than shopping online. Provide your customers with different ways of shopping as much as possible, and of course, consider the right force to manage it in a timely and appropriate manner.

Understanding the psychology of pricing is an attractive and effective way

If you go to a restaurant, you are much more likely to choose a mid-priced food from the menu than other cheap or expensive options. This always happens in different situations. In the store, most products have three different sizes, most of which we choose medium size with a reasonable price. A trick that allows us to choose between three options but actually encourages us to make a specific choice. Recognizing and studying the various pricing tricks that are closely related to psychology can ultimately lead to better pricing and more sales.

Providing a trial period is a way to gain trust

One of the best ways to gain the trust of new customers is to let them try your services or products for free for a short time. Providing a trial period in online services is one of the most common and successful methods of attracting new customers.

In offline services, creating such an experience can often be effective. If you do not offer specific services and you have a store, such as a supermarket, you should try other ways to gain the trust of your customers. For example, in their first purchase, consider a significant discount to encourage them to come to you this time instead of competitors. This is especially important when starting a business to attract customers.

Create an incentive program, build a path for loyal customers

Many big brands, in order to have a more intimate and continuous relationship with their customers, start their own customer club and create an incentive program. For example, with each purchase, part of the amount goes back to the customer's membership card, and by collecting these amounts, they will be able to buy a product later. Many people think that such programs are only for big brands!

But the fact is that even if you have a small business, you can use such methods to increase your sales. In fact, you should make a distinction between your regular customers and those who buy from you once and do not come to you again and take this issue seriously.

Collaborate with other businesses, expand the circle of communication

Another way to increase sales that is effective both online and offline is to connect with businesses that share your interests. By connecting with other businesses, in addition to creating more effective and profitable partnerships, you may also connect with new unique customers.

For example, a contractor company that works in the field of home repair can cooperate with companies that produce pipes and materials. This cooperation can both lead to more sales through referrals of customers from both parties to each other and provide better conditions for the buyer in terms of price.

Retaining current customers is the most important mission of businesses

The first priority of most businesses to increase sales should be to retain existing regular customers. Because they already showed their willingness to pay for your goods or services and actually trusted you. To better understand the importance of this issue, we need to consider the following, which are also mentioned on the locale site:


What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)? 9 solutions for CRO

Set up a sales incentive program, inject motivation into the workforce

Give your sales force reasons to fight to sell more collections! Many successful businesses have special incentive programs for their sales force. Programs like travel, free merchandise, or the like can make the sales force sell more. The sales incentive program should be sweet, simple and accessible.

Analyze competitors, find unique sales channels

Examining competitors' performance always opens new opportunities and doors for your business. Identifying competitors' strengths and weaknesses will have a direct impact on your business plans. You should try to use their weaknesses to sell more and learn from their strengths.

Know the best ways to increase your online sales

In the near future, businesses will be divided into two groups: those that operate on the Internet and sell and provide services online, and businesses that no longer exist! The Internet has taken over a large part of our world and there is no escaping it. But how do we get more internet sales? Here are the best ways to increase online sales:

Have a good website

Working on social media and other platforms is good for generating content and attracting customers to the Internet, but it is not enough! Having a website is like owning a home that bears your name, and working on social media and other platforms is like living in a rented home. Currently, Instagram and Twitter are continuing to add new features and activity with power, but who knows tomorrow?

What happens if these social networks are not tomorrow? Be sure to invest in building a good website that is always your business base.

Optimize your website for mobile users

Every day, the number of users who make their online purchases with mobile phones and visit different sites is increasing. Do not forget that in the process of website design, consider a suitable user interface for mobile users so that they do not have a problem using your website.

The Walmart department store has seen a 20% increase in online sales after optimizing its website for mobile users! Therefore, be sure to take this issue seriously in designing your site.

Website is a section that can be effective in improving your online sales. To learn more about online sales and their ways, read the post "6 Powerful Strategies and Strategies to Increase Online Sales" .

Invest in social media

Investing in social media does not mean creating a page on Twitter traffic to site, Instagram and LinkedIn and having thousands of other similar activities!

Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Now imagine the same de

licious food with an attractive and colorful and beautiful decoration. Social media content is just like that! As much as possible, photograph your products with professional photography. Get help from a graphic designer to design your content. In short, you either believe that investing in this space will pay off, or you do not have strange expectations without investing properly.

The social media space is very different these days, and you have to be a professional to succeed in this space. Rest assured that if you invest in this space with the right strategy and planning, you will get back many times the initial costs for operating in this space.

Take email marketing seriously

Targeted Email marketing and Email traffic may be a bit older among online marketing methods, but one should not doubt the capabilities of this marketing channel yet! According to digital agency network, email marketing is forty times more effective than social media marketing! The study, cited by the site, also found that the process of buying a customer via email is three times faster than on social media.

In addition, according to Fourth Source, 92% of Internet users have at least one email account. However, many Internet users do not have accounts on various social networks. Contrary to many marketers' beliefs, email marketing is still one of the most powerful ways to increase online sales.

Demonstrate the trust of your customers

It may be a little harder to gain the trust of users in the Internet world, but there are many solutions to this challenge. Nothing builds trust for new customers as much as seeing previous customer satisfaction. This technique is literally magical!

Let's look at an example to understand this more deeply. Suppose I do not like the films of Tarantino, one of the most famous directors in Hollywood. I thought his films were full of violence and had little definition. But after the release of one of his films, I saw a lot of posts published by my friends and others talking about his new film. I decided to watch this film and I completely changed my mind about this director. The same scenario happens in the world of sales. Demonstrating customer satisfaction on a business's social media and website will make new customers less likely to trust you, and this will always increase your sales.

Don't forget remarketing

Remarketing and retargeting is the golden key for any business and customers who have already visited your site or interacted with you on social media. These people have approached shopping one or more times in the past, and it is much easier to convince them than new people.

For example, at a certain time of the year or for a particular product, you can have special conditions that you know will encourage these people to buy from you. You can also attract people back to your business by using various methods of advertising on the web or launching marketing campaigns on social networks.

Take video production seriously

In the world of the Internet, users are becoming more and more interested in video content, and the power of this type of content should not be underestimated. Both on social media and on the web, using quality videos will increase your sales. Some people think that video production should not be a business priority because of the length of the video production process or the high cost of producing this type of content, but just look at the following on the marketing optimizer site   :


There are thousands of creative ways to increase sales, both online and offline. What is the best way to sell more for your business is directly related to the business situation and your customers?

As stated in this article, there is no magic way to increase sales suddenly. Whatever it is, the first step is to identify the tools and set the right goals for the business. By setting the right goal, everyone in the group knows where they are going and where they are going. After this stage, recognizing the needs, behaviors and concerns of the customer that makes you provide quality services and products. A product or service that literally creates "value" and can open the door to people.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the ways to increase online store sales?

The most important thing to have good sales in online stores is to have a website that is easy for users to use and guides the right content in the right place. In addition, as mentioned in the article, website optimization for mobile users is very important. For more information, you can read the different sections of the article more carefully.

What are the ways to increase sales in Telegram?

Telegram platform that has an atmosphere similar to social networks due to the facilities it has created. To increase sales in this space, effective advertising and providing quality content, working with influential sales channels and directing users to the business website in appropriate ways can lead to increased sales in Telegram.

What are the practical solutions to increase sales?

There are practical ways to increase sales that are right for your business. To identify the best ways to increase sales in your business, you need to fully identify your tools and the needs and concerns of your customers. You can also read this article in full to get acquainted with different practical solutions!

Is it necessary to have a website to increase online sales?

Having a website is like owning a home that bears your name and working on social media and other platforms is like living in a rented home. Currently, Instagram and Twitter are continuing to add new features and activity with power, but who knows tomorrow? To reduce the risk of losing your capital, you need to have the right investment to design a standard and efficient website.


Subject: None

From Jane Doe, Sep 25, 2015.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Forever yours,

Subject: None

From John Doe, Sep 23, 2015.

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